Thursday, July 10, 2008

What About Ribbon?

Pointe shoes require 2.5 yards of ribbon. Ribbon comes in various shades of pink so be sure to purchase the ribbon that best matches the color of your shoes. Besides regular ribbon, there is ribbon that is actually elastic and there is ribbon with an elastic piece sewn into it. For beginning students I recommend regular ribbon. Take a look at the shoes shown to the left. Use this photograph as a guide for your ribbon placement.
  1. Cut your ribbon into 4 pieces of equal length.
  2. Fold 1/2" of one end of the ribbon under.
  3. Sew the folded end of your ribbon to your shoe tilting the ribbon slightly forward. This will help the ribbon lay flat over your instep. Repeat with the remaining 3 pieces.
  4. Trim your ribbons so there is no more than an inch and a half left of ribbon after you tie your knot. Be careful and lightly mark your ribbons before cutting being sure to try each shoe on both feet before you cut the ribbon. Unless you have one foot significantly bigger than the other, you will want to alternate your shoes so that they last longer.
  5. Strike a match and run the very end of your ribbon through the flame quickly to seal the ends of your ribbons so they don't fray.

1 comment:

Christine Hartsfield said...

Be sure to sew your ribbons on BEFORE the elastic.